You can add an event countdown using an event countdown module.
1. Go to the page you want to add the event countdown to.
2. Click page builder 2.0 at the very top of the page to activate the page builder.
3. At the top right you'll see a +. Click that and a tab will open showing all sorts of things you can add to the page.
4. Look for "Event Countdown". Click and drag it onto the page (click and hold your mouse button down to drag it. Release your mouse button to drop it.) as you move it around the page you'll see a blue box that shows where the Event Countdown will be placed if dropped at that time. When that blue box is where you want it release your mouse button to drop it.
The settings will open for the event countdown module.
On the general tab you can choose the events you want to show on the countdown.
- Next upcoming event - this will show the event that happens next. When that event passes it'll change to the next event that happens automatically.
- Upcoming event from category - This is sort of like the #1 but you select a single event category and it'll only show events in that category. So if you have 4 or 5 events that you want to highlight add them all to the same event category then set the countdown to only look at events in that category.
- Manually selected event - Choose one event to countdown too.
For the countdown design you have design one and design two. Design one is rather large and looks it's best if you add a nice featured image to the event. Design two is a bit smaller and doesn't have the featured image. Design 2 also has a large size and a small size. The small size makes it a single line of text. You can also choose to have it horizontal or vertical so if you are adding the countdown to a narrow column switch to vertical and the countdown will stack vertically so it's not as wide.
On the colors tab at the top you can select all the different colors there so the countdown looks it's best on the background you're using.
On the controls tab at the top you choose to show or hide different parts of the countdown.
On the advanced tab you have the margins (spacing) and all the other options found on the advanced tab of all modules.
When you're done save then at the top right click done then publish.