Go to the page you'd like to edit and activate the page builder.
Put your mouse on the text editor module then at the top left put your mouse on the tool icon and click text editor settings.
Click on the photo and a toolbar will appear. Click the X to remove the photo.
Note: You can drag the settings window to make it larger. You can also move it around so you can see the changes you're making on the page.
We want the photo at the top, so we click to place our cursor at the top before the text. If you want your photo in a different place, click where you want your photo added.
Click the add media button.
If you need to upload an image, click the upload files tab.
Click on the photo to select it.
Click the insert into post button.
Our photo was added, but it's on the left. We want it on the right. So we click on it to open the toolbar, then click the right justify icon.
Click the save button to save it.
At the top right click done then publish.
New Our Church app Search Screen Add your logo!
Add your logo in the admin area of your website at:
Mobile App > App Settings
It's the search logo option.
Note: Allow 24 hours for your logo to show on the app search screen.